Salsa Dancers Do It On 2!

Amazon Salsa T-Shirt

Anyone whom knows us will be quick to tell you that one of the team is Salsa dancing barmy (meant in the warmest way possible).

To this end, there are a few items now in Amazon that have come directly from interactions with the “Salsa lot” (I lovingly call them).

This is just one of the Salsa t-shirts available under the “Linked2U” brand on Amazon.

This particular design is inspired by the Salsa “on 2” dancing style and maintains the humourous nature of the Linked2U brand.

The quality of this t-shirt is such that it can be comfortably worn day-to-day as equally as it can be used for those practice / lessons.

Combine Your Purchases

The above t-shirt goes great with the Salsa bag as you can fold the t-shirt and place in the bag as part of the “Need to get changed kit” when all that dancing demands it!


Before you click away to check out the above items, when you’re there, search for “Linked2U” in the Amazon search to see more of our designs!